District Court of Guam
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For more information, contact:
David L. Manning, Special Principal Associate
Gershman, Brickner & Bratton, Inc.
Federal Receiver


Three Bids Received for Initial Work at Layon Landfill

Contract to be Awarded Next Week


(Guam, January 23, 2009) – Federal Receiver Gershman, Brickner & Bratton, Inc., (GBB) today announced that three bids were received in response to the Invitation for Bid (IFB) issued on December 5, 2008, for construction of the Landfill Operations Road and Mass Grading for Cells 1 and 2. The following bids were received:

GBB, in consultation with TG Engineers and the Office of the Attorney General, will complete its careful review of the bids in the next few days and expects to make an award of the contract to the lowest responsible bidder next week. The Receiver will then work closely with the Office of the Governor and the Attorney General to promptly execute the contract with the successful company. Work will begin as soon as possible thereafter.

All three companies submitting bids are Guam-based companies and have successful track records of work on Guam.

About the IFB
The IFB is for a project that consists of approximately 5,200 linear feet of roadway construction, and approximately 22 acres of excavation and embankment for landfill cells, and a stormwater management pond.  The estimated excavation and embankment work totals 1 million cubic yards. The work extends from the proposed Landfill administrative area to the Landfill Cells at the southern end of the site. The work includes mass excavation and embankment for the roadway, stormwater management pond and Landfill Cells 1 and 2 to subgrade elevations, placing subbase and base courses and asphalt-treated base surface course, installation of stormwater conveyance and drainage appurtenances, and other related work as necessary to make the Project complete and ready for use. For more information about the IFB, visit www.guamsolidwastereceiver.org/documents-IFB-SWMD-09-01.html.

About Gershman, Brickner & Bratton, Inc., Receiver
In a Court Order dated March 17, 2008, U.S. District Court Judge Frances M. Tydingco-Gatewood appointed GBB to be Receiver with full responsibility for bringing the Guam Solid Waste Management Division into compliance with the 2004 Consent Decree for violation of the Clean Water Act. As Receiver, GBB’s objective is to work with Guam’s government, the Solid Waste Management Division, solid waste companies, the people of Guam, and the U.S. military to establish a long-term, financially viable and sustainable waste management system for Guam.

GBB is a national solid waste management consulting firm, headquartered in the Washington, D.C. area, that works on solid waste collection, processing, recycling and disposal issues, and assists in planning, procuring, and implementing sound, cost-effective facilities and services at the local, state, and national levels for both the public and private sectors. Since 1980, GBB has planned and developed a wide range of integrated waste management programs that use the latest technologies to improve efficiency, save money, enhance customer service, and protect the environment. For more information on the firm and its products and services, visit www.gbbinc.com or call 1-703-573-5800.


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